Dear customers and friends

With great satisfaction we are pleased to inform you that our company “HB Agencias Aduanales” obtained the representation in Sonora of the Mexico-China Chamber of Commerce and Technology.
The CCTMC was established on September 24, 2008 with the main purpose to cluster, promote, defend, and represent its associates’ interests, in order to obtain the most potential offers between Mexico and China.
It has headquarters in Mexico City and presence in Nuevo León, Jalisco, Michoacán, Colima, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosí.
Our Sonoran business people could not be left behind, since our state has a lot to offer to China. We have mining, automotive, manufacturing, agriculture, livestock, fishing, trade and tourism industries. And, as a matter of fact China offers us the opportunity to buy directly from products’ manufacturers and take advantage of its: Mining machinery development, agricultural, and construction industries, fishing, automotive, equipment, spare parts, technology, steel, tires, furniture, and a large variety of merchandise with excellent prices and quality.
By being part of the CCTMC, you are supported by an official collaboration body from both governments: Mexico and China. This will definitely facilitate and provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to ensure that your commercial and business operations are being done with certainty and success.
We will remind you to join the Mexico-China Chamber of Commerce and Technology, through the available memberships that will give you knowledge about the Chinese business culture, through training, business opportunities, and commerce fairs participation between both countries Mexico and China. You will also receive special costs in services such as support on the search of suppliers and buyers, suppliers’ verification, shipment origin inspection, translations, interpreters, visa procedures, ABTC card, and much more advantages.
We hope to soon have the privilege of welcoming and congratulating you on doing your business a lot more successful and visionary in order to take advantage of the multiple privileges of doing business with China.

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HB Agencias Aduanales